Premiação Melhor Filme Experimental London Greeck Film Festival 2020
Seleção Oficial Competição, filme Experimental, Social World Film Festival, Italia 2020.
Seleção Oficial Mostra “El grito de los sin voz”, Espanha, 2020.
Seleção Oficial Rendezvouz Film Festival, Lisboa, Portugal, 2019.
Award Winner Best Experimental Film
Official Selection Rendezvous, Lisbon, Portugal. 2019
Official Selection Competition Social World Film Festival, Italy 2020.
Official Selection Mostra “El grito de los sin voz”, Spain, 2020.
Line was assembled with images shot in a refugee camp in Greece, 2017. In this work the images are connected by the presence of the line and a continuous sound next to the movements of the water. Fish struggle over a piece of bread while a child plays with a piece of the line and a gentleman throws his makeshift trap to fetch a fish.
The line, that can be a child's toy, sometimes build wire traps or an emerges like a game of hopscotch on the floor...
Linha foi montado com imagens captadas em um Campo de refugiados na Grécia em 2017. Neste trabalho as imagens se conectam pela presença de uma linha e de um som contínuo junto aos movimentos da água. Peixes se debatem por um pedaço de pão enquanto uma criança brinca com um resto de linha e um senhor joga suas arapucas improvisadas para buscar um peixe.
A linha que pode ser um brinquedo de criança, ora amarra arapucas ora surge como amarelinha no chão...
Line was assembled with images shot in a refugee camp in Greece, 2017. In this work the images are connected by the presence of the line and a continuous sound next to the movements of the water. Fish struggle over a piece of bread while a child plays with a piece of the line and a gentleman throws his makeshift trap to fetch a fish.
The line, that can be a child's toy, sometimes build wire traps or an emerges like a game of hopscotch on the floor...